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Exciton diffusion and dissociation in organic and quantum-dot solar cells Review article
Authors:  Dan He;  Miao Zeng;  Zhenzhen Zhang;  Yang Bai;  XING GUICHUAN; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:29 TC[Scopus]:30  IF:15.3/15.8 | Submit date:2023/08/29
Organic Solar Cells  Quantum‐dot  Exciton Diffusion  Exciton Behavior  Quantum‐dot Solar Cells  
Alloying induced disorder and localized excitonic states in ternary BexZn1−xO thin films Journal article
Su, Longxing, Zhu, Yuan, An, Yuanyuan, Xie, Jin, Tang, Zikang. Alloying induced disorder and localized excitonic states in ternary BexZn1−xO thin films[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 874, 159867.
Authors:  Su, Longxing;  Zhu, Yuan;  An, Yuanyuan;  Xie, Jin;  Tang, Zikang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:6  IF:5.8/5.3 | Submit date:2021/09/10
Bexzn1−xo  Localized Exciton  Resonant Raman Spectra  Two-mode Behavior  Uv Photodetector