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Can customer participation promote hospitality frontline employees’ extra-role service behavior? Journal article
Xu, Angela J., Zhu, Ting Ting, Loi, Raymond, Chow, Cheris W.C.. Can customer participation promote hospitality frontline employees’ extra-role service behavior?[J]. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2022, 35(1), 218-234.
Authors:  Xu, Angela J.;  Zhu, Ting Ting;  Loi, Raymond;  Chow, Cheris W.C.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:13  IF:9.1/8.9 | Submit date:2023/02/08
Customer Participation  Extra-role Service Behavior  Negative Affect  Thriving  
Returning good for evil: A study of customer incivility and extra-role customer service Journal article
Zhu,Julie N.Y., Lam,Long W., Lai,Jennifer Y.M.. Returning good for evil: A study of customer incivility and extra-role customer service[J]. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2019, 81, 65-72.
Authors:  Zhu,Julie N.Y.;  Lam,Long W.;  Lai,Jennifer Y.M.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:76 TC[Scopus]:86 | Submit date:2019/08/01
Customer Incivility  Extra-role Customer Service  Service Encounters  Work Engagement