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Successful alpha neurofeedback training enhances working memory updating and event-related potential activity Journal article
Shen, Lu, Jiang, Yali, Wan, Feng, Ku, Yixuan, Nan, Wenya. Successful alpha neurofeedback training enhances working memory updating and event-related potential activity[J]. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2023, 205, 107834.
Authors:  Shen, Lu;  Jiang, Yali;  Wan, Feng;  Ku, Yixuan;  Nan, Wenya
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:2.2/2.4 | Submit date:2023/12/04
Alpha  Feedback Modality  Neurofeedback (Nf)  P3  Working Memory Updating