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Efficient constraint learning for data-driven active distribution network operation Journal article
Ge Chen, Hongcai Zhang, Yonghua Song. Efficient constraint learning for data-driven active distribution network operation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2024, 39(1), 1472-1484.
Authors:  Ge Chen;  Hongcai Zhang;  Yonghua Song
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:9  IF:6.5/7.4 | Submit date:2023/07/12
Active Distribution Networks  Deep Learning  Renewable Generation  Optimal Power Flow  Flexible Sources  
Review and prospect of flexible loads for participating in frequency regulation Conference paper
Yu, Haiyue, Xie, Kang, Hui, Hongxun, Ding, Yi. Review and prospect of flexible loads for participating in frequency regulation[C], 2020, 2605-2608.
Authors:  Yu, Haiyue;  Xie, Kang;  Hui, Hongxun;  Ding, Yi
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:3 | Submit date:2023/04/12
Flexible Loads  Frequency Regulation (Fr)  Renewable Energy Sources (Ress)  Review And Prospect