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The mediating role of creative self-concept in the relation between filial piety and general mental health Journal article
Chen, Wei Wen, Yang, Xin, Zhang, Lu Ran. The mediating role of creative self-concept in the relation between filial piety and general mental health[J]. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2025, 56, 101734.
Authors:  Chen, Wei Wen;  Yang, Xin;  Zhang, Lu Ran
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:3.5/4.1 | Submit date:2025/01/22
Filial Piety  Creative Self-concept  Creative Self-efficacy  Creative Personal Identify  General Mental Health  
Flexible mindset in the family: Filial piety, cognitive flexibility, and general mental health Journal article
Chun-Hui Jen, Wei-Wen Chen, Chih-Wen Wu. Flexible mindset in the family: Filial piety, cognitive flexibility, and general mental health[J]. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 2019, 36(6), 1715-1730.
Authors:  Chun-Hui Jen;  Wei-Wen Chen;  Chih-Wen Wu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:27 TC[Scopus]:28  IF:2.3/2.6 | Submit date:2020/11/06
Cognitive Flexibility  Filial Piety  General Mental Health  Parent–child Relationship