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Photochemical Reactions of Glyoxal during Particulate Ammonium Nitrate Photolysis: Brown Carbon Formation, Enhanced Glyoxal Decay, and Organic Phase Formation Journal article
Zhang, Ruifeng, Gen, Masao, Liang, Zhancong, Li, Yong Jie, Chan, Chak Keung. Photochemical Reactions of Glyoxal during Particulate Ammonium Nitrate Photolysis: Brown Carbon Formation, Enhanced Glyoxal Decay, and Organic Phase Formation[J]. Environmental Science and Technology, 2022, 56(3), 1605-1614.
Authors:  Zhang, Ruifeng;  Gen, Masao;  Liang, Zhancong;  Li, Yong Jie;  Chan, Chak Keung
Favorite | TC[WOS]:28 TC[Scopus]:31  IF:10.8/11.6 | Submit date:2022/03/04
Brown Carbon  Glyoxal  Nitrate Photolysis  Photosensitization  Secondary Organic Aerosol