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The association between life history strategy and mate preference in men Journal article
Hui Jing Lu, Kam-chuen Wong, Lei Chang. The association between life history strategy and mate preference in men[J]. PERSONALITY AND INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES, 2017, 116, 157-163.
Authors:  Hui Jing Lu;  Kam-chuen Wong;  Lei Chang
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Good Genes  Good Mothers  Good Providers  Life History  Mate Preference  
Good Genes, Good Providers, and Good Fathers and Mothers: The Withholding of Parental Investment by Married Couples Journal article
Lei Chang, Hui Jing Lu, Xiao Qin Zhu. Good Genes, Good Providers, and Good Fathers and Mothers: The Withholding of Parental Investment by Married Couples[J]. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 2017, 11(2), 199-211.
Authors:  Lei Chang;  Hui Jing Lu;  Xiao Qin Zhu
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Good Fathers  Good Genes  Good Providers  Mate Values  Parental Investment