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Work engagement, tenure, and external opportunities moderate perceived high-performance work systems and affective commitment Journal article
Hu,Bin, Hou,Zhenhu, Mak,Miranda Chi Kuan, Xu,Sabrina Lingxiao, Yang,Xuhua, Hu,Tianlong, Qiu,Yong, Wen,Yueran. Work engagement, tenure, and external opportunities moderate perceived high-performance work systems and affective commitment[J]. Social Behavior and Personality, 2019, 47(5).
Authors:  Hu,Bin;  Hou,Zhenhu;  Mak,Miranda Chi Kuan;  Xu,Sabrina Lingxiao;  Yang,Xuhua; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:1.0/1.5 | Submit date:2020/11/11
Affective Commitment  Organizational Tenure  Perceived External Opportunities  Perceived High-performance Work Systems  Work Engagement  
Linking HRM competency to firm performance: An empirical investigation of Chinese firms Journal article
Ngo,Hang Yue, Jiang,Chun Yan, Loi,Raymond. Linking HRM competency to firm performance: An empirical investigation of Chinese firms[J]. Personnel Review, 2014, 43(6), 898-914.
Authors:  Ngo,Hang Yue;  Jiang,Chun Yan;  Loi,Raymond
Favorite | TC[WOS]:21 TC[Scopus]:27 | Submit date:2019/08/01
Chinese Enterprises  External Fit In Hrm  Firm Performance  High Performance Work Systems  Hrm Competency  Quantitative  
Linking HRM competency to firm performance: an empirical investigation of Chinese firms Journal article
Hang-yue Ngo, Chun-Yan Jiang, Raymond Loi. Linking HRM competency to firm performance: an empirical investigation of Chinese firms[J]. Personnel Review, 2014, 43(6), 898-914.
Authors:  Hang-yue Ngo;  Chun-Yan Jiang;  Raymond Loi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:21 TC[Scopus]:27  IF:3.3/4.2 | Submit date:2019/12/22
Quantitative  High Performance Work Systems  Chinese Enterprises  External Fit In Hrm  Hrm Competency  Firm Performance  
Human resource flexibility in foreign subsidiaries: An empirical investigation in Hong Kong Journal article
Ngo, H. Y., Loi, R., Foley, S.. Human resource flexibility in foreign subsidiaries: An empirical investigation in Hong Kong[J]. International Journal of Business Studies, 2012, 11-26.
Authors:  Ngo, H. Y.;  Loi, R.;  Foley, S.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/27
human resource flexibility  high-performance work systems  multinational corporations  headquarters' control  resource allocation  
The adoption of high performance work systems in foreign subsidiaries Journal article
Sharon Foley, Hang-yue Ngo, Raymond Loi. The adoption of high performance work systems in foreign subsidiaries[J]. Journal of World Business, 2012, 47(1), 106-113.
Authors:  Sharon Foley;  Hang-yue Ngo;  Raymond Loi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:18 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:8.9/9.2 | Submit date:2020/01/08
High Performance Work Systems  Subsidiary Performance  Strategic Human Resource Management  Multinational Corporations  Organizational Climate