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More than minutes: A person-centered approach to homework time, homework time management, and homework procrastination Journal article
Xu, Jianzhong. More than minutes: A person-centered approach to homework time, homework time management, and homework procrastination[J]. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2022, 70, 102087.
Authors:  Xu, Jianzhong
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:19  IF:3.9/8.2 | Submit date:2022/08/02
Academic Achievement  Homework Completion  Homework Time  Person-centered Perspective  Procrastination  Time Management  
Empirically derived profiles of homework purposes in eleventh grade students: a latent profile analysis Journal article
Xu, Jianzhong. Empirically derived profiles of homework purposes in eleventh grade students: a latent profile analysis[J]. Current Psychology, 2021.
Authors:  Xu, Jianzhong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:2.5/2.6 | Submit date:2022/05/13
High School  Homework Completion  Homework Effort  Homework Purpose  Latent Profile Analysis  
Emotion regulation, homework completion, and math achievement: Testing models of reciprocal effects Journal article
Xu,Jianzhong, Du,Jianxia, Liu,Fangtong, Huang,Bosu. Emotion regulation, homework completion, and math achievement: Testing models of reciprocal effects[J]. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 2019, 59, 101810.
Authors:  Xu,Jianzhong;  Du,Jianxia;  Liu,Fangtong;  Huang,Bosu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:12 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:3.9/8.2 | Submit date:2020/11/06
Achievement  Cognitive Reappraisal  Emotion Management  Emotion Regulation  Homework Completion