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Weighted Error Entropy-Based Information Theoretic Learning for Robust Subspace Representation Journal article
Li, Yuanman, Zhou, Jiantao, Tian, Jinyu, Zheng, Xianwei, Tang, Yuan Yan. Weighted Error Entropy-Based Information Theoretic Learning for Robust Subspace Representation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021, 33(9), 4228-4242.
Authors:  Li, Yuanman;  Zhou, Jiantao;  Tian, Jinyu;  Zheng, Xianwei;  Tang, Yuan Yan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:26 TC[Scopus]:22  IF:10.2/10.4 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Independent And Piecewise Identically Distributed  Information-theoretic Learning (Itl)  Subspace Representation (Sr)  Weighted Parzen Window (Wpw)