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Demo: Reconfigurable Distributed Antennas and Reflecting Surface (RDARS)-aided Integrated Sensing and Communication System Conference paper
Wang, Jintao, Ji, Chengwang, Guo, Jiajia, Ma, Shaodan. Demo: Reconfigurable Distributed Antennas and Reflecting Surface (RDARS)-aided Integrated Sensing and Communication System[C]:IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, NJ 08855-4141, 2023.
Authors:  Wang, Jintao;  Ji, Chengwang;  Guo, Jiajia;  Ma, Shaodan
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:3 | Submit date:2024/02/22
Integrated Sensing And Communication System (Isac)  Localization  Reconfigurable Distributed Antennas And Reflecting Surfaces (Rdars)