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國際翻譯認知研究新進展---第七届翻譯認知研究國際研討會綜述 (New development in the study of translation and cognition - An overview of the 7th International Conference on Cognitive Research on Translation and Interpreting) Journal article
寧靜, 李德鳳 DEFENG LI, 李麗青 LEI LAI CHENG VICTORIA. 國際翻譯認知研究新進展---第七届翻譯認知研究國際研討會綜述 (New development in the study of translation and cognition - An overview of the 7th International Conference on Cognitive Research on Translation and Interpreting)[J]. CHINESE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY TRANSLATORS JOURNAL, 2021, 34(4), 28-31.
Authors:  寧靜;  李德鳳 DEFENG LI;  李麗青 LEI LAI CHENG VICTORIA
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Mobile communications for tourism and hospitality: A review of historical evolution, present status, and future trends Review article
Authors:  Chen, Sirong;  Law, Rob;  Zhang, Mu;  Si, Yuqi
Favorite | TC[WOS]:8 TC[Scopus]:15  IF:2.6/2.6 | Submit date:2021/11/17
5g  Content Analysis  Interdisciplinary Research  Mobile Communication Technology  Tourism And Hospitality