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Laser surface alloying of copper with titanium: Part I. Electrical wear resistance in dry condition. Part II. Electrical wear resistance in wet and corrosive condition Journal article
Kwok,C. T., Wong,P. K., Man,H. C.. Laser surface alloying of copper with titanium: Part I. Electrical wear resistance in dry condition. Part II. Electrical wear resistance in wet and corrosive condition[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2016, 297, 58-73.
Authors:  Kwok,C. T.;  Wong,P. K.;  Man,H. C.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:16  IF:5.3/4.9 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Electrical Sliding Wear  Hardness  Intermetallic Phases  Laser Surface Alloying  
Laser surface alloying of copper with titanium: Part I. Electrical wear resistance in dry condition. Part II. Electrical wear resistance in wet and corrosive condition Journal article
C.T. Kwok, P.K. Wong, H.C. Man. Laser surface alloying of copper with titanium: Part I. Electrical wear resistance in dry condition. Part II. Electrical wear resistance in wet and corrosive condition[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2016, 297, 58-73.
Authors:  C.T. Kwok;  P.K. Wong;  H.C. Man
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:16  IF:5.3/4.9 | Submit date:2019/02/14
Electrical Sliding Wear  Hardness  Intermetallic Phases  Laser Surface Alloying