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Transboundary water resource management and sustainable development in the lancang-mekong river basin: an analysis of international water law Journal article
Yan, Ziqing. Transboundary water resource management and sustainable development in the lancang-mekong river basin: an analysis of international water law[J]. International Journal of River Basin Management, 2024.
Authors:  Yan, Ziqing
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:2.2/2.3 | Submit date:2024/05/16
International Water Law  Lancang-mekong River Basin  Sustainable Development  Transboundary Integrated Water Resources Management  Water Resources Development And Protection  
International Engineering Education Accreditation for Sustainable Career Development: A Comparative Study of Ship Engineering Curricula between China and UK Journal article
Zhang, Ji, Yuan, Han, Zhang, Da, Li, Yan, Mei, Ning. International Engineering Education Accreditation for Sustainable Career Development: A Comparative Study of Ship Engineering Curricula between China and UK[J]. Sustainability, 2023, 15(15), 11954.
Authors:  Zhang, Ji;  Yuan, Han;  Zhang, Da;  Li, Yan;  Mei, Ning
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:3.3/3.6 | Submit date:2023/09/04
Curriculum Systems  Engineering Education  International Accreditation  Sustainable Career Development  Undergraduate Teaching  
A curse or a blessing? The effect of US-China trade war on Chinese corporate innovation Presentation
会议地点: Brisbane, Australia (Virtual), 会议日期: 06-08/07/2022, 报告日期: 2022-07-06
Authors:  Li SZ(李少知)
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U.s.–china Trade War  International Trade  Research And Development  
A curse or a blessing? The effect of US-China trade war on Chinese corporate innovation Presentation
会议地点: Tokyo, Japan (Virtual), 会议日期: 06-08/07/2022, 报告日期: 2022-07-01
Authors:  Li, Shao-Zhi Leona
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International Trade  U.s.–china Trade War  Tariff Shocks  Corporate Innovation  Research And Development  
The Role of Regional Organisations in Economic Growth Among Developing Countries: A Case of the Af DB Journal article
Nyadera, Israel Nyaburi, Asal, Uğur Yasin, Agwanda, Billy. The Role of Regional Organisations in Economic Growth Among Developing Countries: A Case of the Af DB[J]. India Quarterly-A Journal of International Affairs, 2021, 77(3), 384-403.
Authors:  Nyadera, Israel Nyaburi;  Asal, Uğur Yasin;  Agwanda, Billy
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:0.6/0.7 | Submit date:2021/12/08
Afdb  Africa  Global Governance  International Development  Regionalism  
The Human Right to Water: Another Building Block in the International Water Law Edifice Journal article
PAULO CANELAS DE CASTRO. The Human Right to Water: Another Building Block in the International Water Law Edifice[J]. Boletim da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Macau, 2020, 153-189.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/09/23
Climate Change  Cooperation  Development  Good Governance  Global Water Crisis  Human Right To Water  Human Right To Sanitation  International Water Law  Paradigm-shifts  Millennium Developmet Goals  Protection Of The Environment  Sustainable Development  Sustainable Development Goals  Water Management  Water Scarcity  Water Stress.  
ISO certification and new product success in an emerging market Journal article
Jie Wu, Zefu Wu. ISO certification and new product success in an emerging market[J]. Asian Business & Management, 2019, 18(1), 51-71.
Authors:  Jie Wu;  Zefu Wu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:2.2/3.1 | Submit date:2019/08/02
China  Emerging Markets  Information Accessibility  Information Asymmetry  Institutional Development  International Organization For Standardization  Product Innovation  Quality Management  
Consumer law and socioeconomic development: National and international dimensions Book
Claudia Lima Marques, Dan Wei. Consumer law and socioeconomic development: National and international dimensions[M]. Switzerland:Springer, Cham, 2017, 1-469.
Authors:  Claudia Lima Marques;  Dan Wei
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:2 | Submit date:2019/08/22
International Protection Of Consumers  2015 Revision Un Guidelines  Tourist Protection  Financial Consumer, Digital Consumer Sales And Services  Consumer Law And Socioeconomic Development  International Consumer Law  Ungcp  Common Consumer Right  Iftta  Mercosur  Consumer Law In chIna  Consumer Law In Australia  Consumer Defense Law  Consumer Credit  
The Human Right to Water: The latest Acquisition of an International Water Law for a Water-Scarce World Seeking Sustainable Development Conference paper
PAULO CANELAS DE CASTRO. The Human Right to Water: The latest Acquisition of an International Water Law for a Water-Scarce World Seeking Sustainable Development[C], 2016.
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Human Right To Water  Global Water Scarcity  International Water Law  Sustainable Development  
How International Research on Parenting Advances Understanding of Child Development Journal article
Lansford,Jennifer E., Bornstein,Marc H., Deater-Deckard,Kirby, Dodge,Kenneth A., Al-Hassan,Suha M., Bacchini,Dario, Bombi,Anna Silvia, Chang,Lei, Chen,Bin Bin, Di Giunta,Laura, Malone,Patrick S., Oburu,Paul, Pastorelli,Concetta, Skinner,Ann T., Sorbring,Emma, Steinberg,Laurence, Tapanya,Sombat, Alampay,Liane P., Uribe Tirado,Liliana M., Zelli,Arnaldo. How International Research on Parenting Advances Understanding of Child Development[J]. CHILD DEVELOPMENT PERSPECTIVES, 2016, 10(3), 202-207.
Authors:  Lansford,Jennifer E.;  Bornstein,Marc H.;  Deater-Deckard,Kirby;  Dodge,Kenneth A.;  Al-Hassan,Suha M.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:38 TC[Scopus]:40  IF:5.1/7.8 | Submit date:2019/07/08
Child Development  Culture  International Research  Parenting