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KDM5 family as therapeutic targets in breast cancer: Pathogenesis and therapeutic opportunities and challenges Review article
Authors:  Li, Chang Yun;  Wang, Wanhe;  Leung, Chung Hang;  Yang, Guan Jun;  Chen, Jiong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:27.7/31.3 | Submit date:2024/06/05
Breast Cancer  Histone Demethylation  Kdm5  Kdm5 Inhibitors  Therapeutic Target  
Impaired removal of H3K4 methylation affects cell fate determination and gene transcription Journal article
Lussi Y.C., Mariani L., Friis C., Peltonen J., Myers T.R., Krag C., Wong G., Salcini A.E.. Impaired removal of H3K4 methylation affects cell fate determination and gene transcription[J]. Development (Cambridge), 2016, 143(20), 3751-3762.
Authors:  Lussi Y.C.;  Mariani L.;  Friis C.;  Peltonen J.;  Myers T.R.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:12 | Submit date:2018/12/18
C. Elegans  Enhancer  Gene Transcription  H3k4 Methylation  Kdm5  Rbr-2  Vpc Differentiation