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Impact of Data Breach on IT Investment: Embracing Both Failure Learning and Threat Rigidity Journal article
Wang, Qian, Peng, Chih Hung, Jin, Yong, Jiang, Shenyang. Impact of Data Breach on IT Investment: Embracing Both Failure Learning and Threat Rigidity[J]. Production and Operations Management, 2024.
Authors:  Wang, Qian;  Peng, Chih Hung;  Jin, Yong;  Jiang, Shenyang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.8/6.0 | Submit date:2024/11/05
Data Breach  Information Technology Investment  It Innovation  Failure Learning Theory  Threat Rigidity Theory  
Blended Learning and AI: Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Presentation
会议地点: Macao, 报告日期: 2024-07-31
Authors:  Katrine K. Wong
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Generative Ai  Blended Learning  Higher Education  Technology  
Blended Learning and AI: Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Book chapter
出自: Blended Learning: Intelligent Computing in Education:Springer, 2024, 页码:39-61
Authors:  Katrine K. Wong
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Generative Ai  Blended Learning  Higher Education  Technology  
CTLE Professional Development Workshop ‘Engaging Students with Instructional Videos: Blended Learning @UM’ Presentation
报告日期: 2024-03-06
Authors:  Katrine K. Wong
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Student Engagement  Blended Learning  Technology  
Facilitating cognitive development and addressing stereotypes with a cross-cultural learning activity supported by interactive 360-degree video technology Journal article
Shadiev, Rustam, Chen, Xuan, Reynolds, Barry Lee, Song, Yanjie, Altinay, Fahriye. Facilitating cognitive development and addressing stereotypes with a cross-cultural learning activity supported by interactive 360-degree video technology[J]. British Journal of Educational Technology, 2024.
Authors:  Shadiev, Rustam;  Chen, Xuan;  Reynolds, Barry Lee;  Song, Yanjie;  Altinay, Fahriye
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:6.7/7.2 | Submit date:2024/05/16
360-degree Video Technology  Cognition  Interactive  Learning Activity  Stereotype  
Motivation in self-directed use of technology for English learning among high, average, and low achievers Journal article
An,Zhujun, Lai,Chun, Gan,Zhengdong. Motivation in self-directed use of technology for English learning among high, average, and low achievers[J]. System, 2023, 115, 103051.
Authors:  An,Zhujun;  Lai,Chun;  Gan,Zhengdong
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:4.9/5.5 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Efl Students  English Learning  Motivation  Technology-assisted Learning  
Do supply chain related factors enhance the prediction accuracy of blockchain adoption? A machine learning approach Journal article
Guan,Wei, Ding,Wenhong, Zhang,Bobo, Verny,Jerome, Hao,Rubin. Do supply chain related factors enhance the prediction accuracy of blockchain adoption? A machine learning approach[J]. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2023, 192, 122552.
Authors:  Guan,Wei;  Ding,Wenhong;  Zhang,Bobo;  Verny,Jerome;  Hao,Rubin
Favorite | TC[WOS]:19 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:12.9/13.0 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Blockchain Technology  Machine Learning  Supply Chain Factors  Toe Framework  
Multi-layered e-feedback anxiety: An action research study among Chinese learners using peer feedback activities in an academic writing course Journal article
Sijia Xue, Yanchao Yang, Jianxia Du, Fangtong Liu. Multi-layered e-feedback anxiety: An action research study among Chinese learners using peer feedback activities in an academic writing course[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, 14, 1062517.
Authors:  Sijia Xue;  Yanchao Yang;  Jianxia Du;  Fangtong Liu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:2.6/3.3 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Academic Writing  E-feedback  Educational Technology  Learning Anxiety  Mobile Learning  
CTLE Blended Learning Half-day Training Presentation
报告日期: 2023-03-01
Authors:  Katrine K. Wong
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Student Engagement  Blended Learning  Technology  
Effects of goal orientation on environment management in technology-based physics learning Journal article
Yanchao Yang, Jianxia Du, Timothy Teo, Sijia Xue, Fangtong Liu. Effects of goal orientation on environment management in technology-based physics learning[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023, 13, 1048143.
Authors:  Yanchao Yang;  Jianxia Du;  Timothy Teo;  Sijia Xue;  Fangtong Liu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:1 TC[Scopus]:1  IF:2.6/3.3 | Submit date:2023/09/25
Environment Management  Goal Orientation  Time Management  Technology-based Physics Learning  Physics Learning