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Synthesis and biological effect of lysosome-targeting fluorescent anion transporters with enhanced anionophoric activity Journal article
Hong,Xiao Qiao, He,Xiang Yu, Tam,Kin Yip, Chen,Wen Hua. Synthesis and biological effect of lysosome-targeting fluorescent anion transporters with enhanced anionophoric activity[J]. BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 2020, 30(19), 127461.
Authors:  Hong,Xiao Qiao;  He,Xiang Yu;  Tam,Kin Yip;  Chen,Wen Hua
Favorite | TC[WOS]:7 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:2.5/2.4 | Submit date:2021/03/04
Fluorescent Anion Transporter  Lysosome Targeting  Lysosomal Alkalization  Cathepsin b Enzyme