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New insights from the single-cell level: Tumor associated macrophages heterogeneity and personalized therapy Journal article
Wang, Xiaomin, Xu, Yiwei, Sun, Qi, Zhou, Xintong, Ma, Wenzhe, Wu, Ji Biao, Zhuang, Jing, Sun, Changgang. New insights from the single-cell level: Tumor associated macrophages heterogeneity and personalized therapy[J]. Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2022, 153.
Authors:  Wang, Xiaomin;  Xu, Yiwei;  Sun, Qi;  Zhou, Xintong;  Ma, Wenzhe; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:20 TC[Scopus]:21  IF:6.9/6.8 | Submit date:2023/01/30
Macrophages Heterogeneity  Single-cell Rna Sequencing  Tumor Microenvironment  Tumor-associated Macrophages