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An overview of the expert consensus on the mental health treatment and services for major psychiatric disorders during COVID-19 outbreak: China's experiences Journal article
Yu-Tao Xiang, Na Zhao, Yan-Jie Zhao, Zihan Liu, Qinge Zhang, Yuan Feng, Xiao-Na Yan, Teris Cheung, Chee H. Ng. An overview of the expert consensus on the mental health treatment and services for major psychiatric disorders during COVID-19 outbreak: China's experiences[J]. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2020, 16(13), 2265-2270.
Authors:  Yu-Tao Xiang;  Na Zhao;  Yan-Jie Zhao;  Zihan Liu;  Qinge Zhang; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:8.2/8.3 | Submit date:2021/03/02
China  Covid-19  Expert Consensus  Major Psychiatric Disorders  Online Mental Health Service