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Family Socioeconomic Status and Chinese Preschoolers’ Social Skills: Examining Underlying Family Processes Journal article
Zhongling Wu, Bi Ying Hu, Huiping Wu, Adam Winsler, Liang Chen. Family Socioeconomic Status and Chinese Preschoolers’ Social Skills: Examining Underlying Family Processes[J]. Journal of family psychology, 2020, 34(8), 969-979.
Authors:  Zhongling Wu;  Bi Ying Hu;  Huiping Wu;  Adam Winsler;  Liang Chen
Favorite | TC[WOS]:18 TC[Scopus]:17  IF:2.3/2.9 | Submit date:2021/02/18
Family Socioeconomic Status  Social Skills  Parenting Practices  Marital Relationships  Chinese Preschool Children