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Relative Velocity between Particle and Fluid in a Two-phase Turbulent Flow Conference paper
Vai Kuong Sin. Relative Velocity between Particle and Fluid in a Two-phase Turbulent Flow[C], 2002.
Authors:  Vai Kuong Sin
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/04/16
Computational Fluid Dynamics  Mean Square Relative Velocity  Turbulence  Two-phase Flow  
Relative Velocity between Particle and Fluid in a Two-phase Turbulent Flow Journal article
Vai Kuong Sin. Relative Velocity between Particle and Fluid in a Two-phase Turbulent Flow[J]. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, 2002, 2(1), 159-164.
Authors:  Vai Kuong Sin
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/04/15
Computational Fluid Dynamics  Mean Square Relative Velocity  Turbulence  Two-phase Flow