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Weak ties matter: Social network dynamics of mobile media multiplexity and their impact on the social support and psychological well-being experienced by migrant workers Journal article
Liu, Piper Liping, Yeo, Tien Ee Dominic. Weak ties matter: Social network dynamics of mobile media multiplexity and their impact on the social support and psychological well-being experienced by migrant workers[J]. Mobile Media and Communication, 2021, 10(1), 76-96.
Authors:  Liu, Piper Liping;  Yeo, Tien Ee Dominic
Favorite | TC[WOS]:18 TC[Scopus]:21  IF:3.1/4.3 | Submit date:2022/02/22
Media Multiplexity  Migrants  Mobile Information Communication Technology Use  Social Network  Tie Strength  Well-being