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Surface-modified GVs as nanosized contrast agents for molecular ultrasound imaging of tumor Journal article
Wang,Guohao, Song,Lin, Hou,Xuandi, Kala,Shashwati, Wong,Kin Fung, Tang,Liya, Dai,Yunlu, Sun,Lei. Surface-modified GVs as nanosized contrast agents for molecular ultrasound imaging of tumor[J]. Biomaterials, 2020, 236, 119803.
Authors:  Wang,Guohao;  Song,Lin;  Hou,Xuandi;  Kala,Shashwati;  Wong,Kin Fung; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:36 TC[Scopus]:58  IF:12.8/13.1 | Submit date:2021/03/04
Contrast Agents  Gas Vesicles  Molecular Imaging  Tumor Diagnosis  Ultrasound  
FAM83D promotes ovarian cancer progression and its potential application in diagnosis of invasive ovarian cancer Journal article
Qingyu Zhang, Shan Yu, Samson Ian Sam Lok, Alice Sze Tsai Wong, Yufei Jiao, Leo Tsz On Lee. FAM83D promotes ovarian cancer progression and its potential application in diagnosis of invasive ovarian cancer[J]. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 2019, 23(7), 4569-4581.
Authors:  Qingyu Zhang;  Shan Yu;  Samson Ian Sam Lok;  Alice Sze Tsai Wong;  Yufei Jiao; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:16 TC[Scopus]:14 | Submit date:2020/05/15
Fam83d  Nvasive Epithelial Ovarian Cancer,  Low Malignant Potential Ovarian Tumour  Molecular Diagnosis