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An Analytical Approach to Diagnose Coupling Matrix, Extract Circuit Model, and Predict Radiation for Filtering Patch Antennas Journal article
Lyu, Yun Peng, Yang, Wan, Zhu, Lei, Cheng, Chong Hu. An Analytical Approach to Diagnose Coupling Matrix, Extract Circuit Model, and Predict Radiation for Filtering Patch Antennas[J]. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2024.
Authors:  Lyu, Yun Peng;  Yang, Wan;  Zhu, Lei;  Cheng, Chong Hu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.1/4.2 | Submit date:2024/11/05
Circuit Model  Coupling Matrix  Filtering Antenna  Multimode Radiator (Mmr)  Radiation Prediction  S-parameter  
An Analytical Approach to Extract Circuit Model for Low Loss Filtering Multimode Patch Antennas from S11 Measurement Conference paper
Lyu, Yun Peng, Yang, Wan, Zhu, Lei, Cheng, Chong Hu. An Analytical Approach to Extract Circuit Model for Low Loss Filtering Multimode Patch Antennas from S11 Measurement[C]:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2024.
Authors:  Lyu, Yun Peng;  Yang, Wan;  Zhu, Lei;  Cheng, Chong Hu
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2024/12/05
Filtering Antenna  Coupling Matrix  Circuit Model  Computer-aided Diagnosis  Multimode Antenna  S-parameter  
Proposal and Design of a Null Reconfigurable Patch Antenna on the Basis of Multimode Method Journal article
Wang,Shi Tong, Zhu,Lei. Proposal and Design of a Null Reconfigurable Patch Antenna on the Basis of Multimode Method[J]. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2023, 71(8), 6286-6296.
Authors:  Wang,Shi Tong;  Zhu,Lei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:4.6/5.0 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Multimode  Null Reconfigurable Antenna  Null Steering  Patch Antenna  Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna  
Bandwidth-Enhanced Circularly-Polarized Slot Antenna and Array under Two Pairs of Degenerate Modes in a Single Resonant Cavity Journal article
Rui-Sen Chen, Guan-Long Huang, Sai-Wai Wong, Mustafa K. Taher Al-Nuaimi, Kam-Weng Tam, Wai-Wa Choi. Bandwidth-Enhanced Circularly-Polarized Slot Antenna and Array under Two Pairs of Degenerate Modes in a Single Resonant Cavity[J]. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2022, 22(2), 288-292.
Authors:  Rui-Sen Chen;  Guan-Long Huang;  Sai-Wai Wong;  Mustafa K. Taher Al-Nuaimi;  Kam-Weng Tam; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:17 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:3.7/4.1 | Submit date:2023/01/30
Axial-ratio (Ar) Bandwidth  Circularly Polarized (Cp)  Degenerate Modes  Multimode Cavity Resonator  Slot Antenna And Array  
A Novel Wideband Slotline Antenna with Dual Resonances: Principle and Design Approach Journal article
Wen-Jun Lu, Lei Zhu. A Novel Wideband Slotline Antenna with Dual Resonances: Principle and Design Approach[J]. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2015, 14, 795-798.
Authors:  Wen-Jun Lu;  Lei Zhu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:43 TC[Scopus]:46  IF:3.7/4.1 | Submit date:2019/02/12
Multimode Resonance  Slotline Antenna  Wideband Antenna