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Strong, tough, and thermally conductive nacre-inspired boron nitride nanosheet/epoxy layered nanocomposites Journal article
Wang, Huagao, Lu, Rongjian, Li, Lei, Liang, Cheng, Yan, Jia, Liang, Rui, Sun, Guoxing, Jiang, Lei, Cheng, Qunfeng. Strong, tough, and thermally conductive nacre-inspired boron nitride nanosheet/epoxy layered nanocomposites[J]. Nano Research, 2023, 17, 820–828.
Authors:  Wang, Huagao;  Lu, Rongjian;  Li, Lei;  Liang, Cheng;  Yan, Jia; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:18 TC[Scopus]:16  IF:9.5/9.0 | Submit date:2024/02/22
Nacre-inspiration  Nanocomposites  Flexural Strength  Fracture Toughness (k Ic)  Thermal Conductivity