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What They Don't Know Says A Lot: Residents' Knowledge of Neighborhood Crime in Contemporary China Journal article
Shen,Yinzhi, Messner,Steven F., Liu,Jianhong, Sampson,Robert J.. What They Don't Know Says A Lot: Residents' Knowledge of Neighborhood Crime in Contemporary China[J]. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2019, 35(3), 607-629.
Authors:  Shen,Yinzhi;  Messner,Steven F.;  Liu,Jianhong;  Sampson,Robert J.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:2.8/3.4 | Submit date:2020/12/04
China  Item Non-response  Neighborhood Context  Perception Of Neighborhood Crime  Survey Research