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Multispectral photoacoustic imaging of cancer with broadband CuS nanoparticles covering both near-infrared I and II biological windows Journal article
Yubin Liu, Duyang Gao, Mengze Xu, Zhen Yuan. Multispectral photoacoustic imaging of cancer with broadband CuS nanoparticles covering both near-infrared I and II biological windows[J]. JOURNAL OF BIOPHOTONICS, 2019, 12(3).
Authors:  Yubin Liu;  Duyang Gao;  Mengze Xu;  Zhen Yuan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:2.0/2.6 | Submit date:2020/06/24
Cus Nanoparticles  Nir-ii Biological Windows  Photoacoustic Imaging  Quantitative Imaging  Multispectral  
Multispectral photoacoustic imaging of cancer with broadband CuS nanoparticles covering both near‐infrared I and II biological windows Journal article
Yubing Liu, Duyang gao, Mengze Xu, Zhen Yuan. Multispectral photoacoustic imaging of cancer with broadband CuS nanoparticles covering both near‐infrared I and II biological windows[J]. Journal of biophotonics, 2019, 12(3), e201800237.
Authors:  Yubing Liu;  Duyang gao;  Mengze Xu;  Zhen Yuan
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:2.0/2.6 | Submit date:2022/08/21
Cus Nanoparticles, Multispectral, Nir-ii Biological Windows, Photoacoustic Imaging, Quantitative Imaging