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Influence of silane on hydration characteristics and mechanical properties of cement paste Journal article
Chen,Binmeng, Shao,Hongyu, Li,Bo, Li,Zongjin. Influence of silane on hydration characteristics and mechanical properties of cement paste[J]. CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, 2020, 113, 103743.
Authors:  Chen,Binmeng;  Shao,Hongyu;  Li,Bo;  Li,Zongjin
Favorite | TC[WOS]:65 TC[Scopus]:70  IF:10.8/11.2 | Submit date:2021/03/09
Cement Hydration  Non-contact Resistivity Measurement  Silane Coupling Agents (Scas)  
Human Heart Rate Estimation Using Ordinary Cameras under Natural Movement Conference paper
Yu S., You X., Jiang X., Zhao K., Mou Y., Ou W., Tang Y., Chen C.L.P.. Human Heart Rate Estimation Using Ordinary Cameras under Natural Movement[C], 2016, 1041-1046.
Authors:  Yu S.;  You X.;  Jiang X.;  Zhao K.;  Mou Y.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Heart Rate Estimation  Motion Compensation  Non-contact Measurement  Ordinary Camera  Real-value Iterative Adaptive Approach (Riaa)  
Electrical method to evaluate elastic modulus of early age concrete Journal article
Shao H., Zhang J., Fan T., Li Z.. Electrical method to evaluate elastic modulus of early age concrete[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2015, 101, 661-666.
Authors:  Shao H.;  Zhang J.;  Fan T.;  Li Z.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:21 TC[Scopus]:25 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Elastic Modulus  Modulus Of Elasticity  Non-contact Impedance Measurement  Non-linear Regression Model  Resistivity  Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity