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Adaptive short-term wind power forecasting with concept drifts Journal article
Li, Yanting, Wu, Zhenyu, Su, Yan. Adaptive short-term wind power forecasting with concept drifts[J]. Renewable Energy, 2023, 217, 119146.
Authors:  Li, Yanting;  Wu, Zhenyu;  Su, Yan
Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:7  IF:9.0/8.1 | Submit date:2023/09/21
Adaptive Prediction  Concept Drift  Feature Extraction  Numerical Weather Prediction  Wind Power Forecasting  Wind Turbine  
Hybrid forecasting method for wind power integrating spatial correlation and corrected numerical weather prediction Journal article
Hu, Shuai, Xiang, Yue, Zhang, Hongcai, Xie, Shanyi, Li, Jianhua, Gu, Chenghong, Sun, Wei, Liu, Junyong. Hybrid forecasting method for wind power integrating spatial correlation and corrected numerical weather prediction[J]. Applied Energy, 2021, 293(116951).
Authors:  Hu, Shuai;  Xiang, Yue;  Zhang, Hongcai;  Xie, Shanyi;  Li, Jianhua; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:70 TC[Scopus]:88  IF:10.1/10.4 | Submit date:2021/09/09
Wind Power Forecasting  Hybrid Model  Gaussian Process  Numerical Weather Prediction  Spatial Correlation  Kernel Function