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Classification of probable online social networking addiction: A latent profile analysis from a large-scale survey among Chinese adolescents Journal article
Li, Ji Bin, Wu, Anise M.S., Feng, Li Fen, Deng, Yang, Li, Jing Hua, Chen, Yu Xia, Mai, Jin Chen, Mo, Phoenix K.H., Lau, Joseph T.F.. Classification of probable online social networking addiction: A latent profile analysis from a large-scale survey among Chinese adolescents[J]. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2020, 9(3), 698-708.
Authors:  Li, Ji Bin;  Wu, Anise M.S.;  Feng, Li Fen;  Deng, Yang;  Li, Jing Hua; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:27 TC[Scopus]:28  IF:6.6/7.3 | Submit date:2021/12/06
Adolescents  Classification  Latent Profile Analysis  Online Social Networking Addiction  
Online social networking addiction and depression: The results from a large-scale prospective cohort study in Chinese adolescents Journal article
Li, Ji-Bin, Mo, Phoenix K. H., Lau, Joseph T. F., Su, Xue-Fen, Zhang, Xi, Wu, Anise M. S., Mai, Jin-Cheng, Chen, Yu-Xia. Online social networking addiction and depression: The results from a large-scale prospective cohort study in Chinese adolescents[J]. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2018, 7(3), 686-696.
Authors:  Li, Ji-Bin;  Mo, Phoenix K. H.;  Lau, Joseph T. F.;  Su, Xue-Fen;  Zhang, Xi; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:68 TC[Scopus]:77  IF:6.6/7.3 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Online Social Networking Addiction  Depression  Longitudinal Association  Adolescents