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A research agenda for ageing in China in the 21st century (2nd edition): Focusing on basic and translational research, long-term care, policy and social networks Review article
Authors:  Fang,Evandro F.;  Xie,Chenglong;  Schenkel,Joseph A.;  Wu,Chenkai;  Long,Qian; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:345 TC[Scopus]:379  IF:12.5/13.0 | Submit date:2021/03/01
Ageing Policy  Dementia  Inflammageing  Oral Ageing  Sexually Transmitted Diseases  Square Dancing  
The impact of ageing on the barriers to drug delivery Journal article
Yvonne Perrie, Raj K. Singh Badhan, Daniel J. Kirby, Deborah Lowry, Afzal R. Mohammed, Defang Ouyang. The impact of ageing on the barriers to drug delivery[J]. Journal of Controlled Release, 2012, 161(2), 389-398.
Authors:  Yvonne Perrie;  Raj K. Singh Badhan;  Daniel J. Kirby;  Deborah Lowry;  Afzal R. Mohammed; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:46 TC[Scopus]:51  IF:10.5/10.6 | Submit date:2019/01/23
Drug Delivery  Ageing  Oral Route  Pulmonary Route  Topical Delivery  Ocular Route