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Ventral root re-implantation is better than peripheral nerve transplantation for motoneuron survival and regeneration after spinal root avulsion injury Journal article
Su H., Yuan Q., Qin D., Yang X., Wong W.-M., So K.-F., Wu W.. Ventral root re-implantation is better than peripheral nerve transplantation for motoneuron survival and regeneration after spinal root avulsion injury[J]. BMC Surgery, 2013, 13(1).
Authors:  Su H.;  Yuan Q.;  Qin D.;  Yang X.;  Wong W.-M.; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:15 TC[Scopus]:17 | Submit date:2018/12/28
Avulsion  Motoneuron Survival And Regeneration  Peripheral Nerve Graft Transplantation  Ventral Root Re-implantation