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AI-powered interpretable imaging phenotypes noninvasively characterize tumor microenvironment associated with diverse molecular signatures and survival in breast cancer Journal article
Lv, Tianxu, Hong, Xiaoyan, Liu, Yuan, Miao, Kai, Sun, Heng, Li, Lihua, Deng, Chuxia, Jiang, Chunjuan, Pan, Xiang. AI-powered interpretable imaging phenotypes noninvasively characterize tumor microenvironment associated with diverse molecular signatures and survival in breast cancer[J]. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2024, 243, 107857.
Authors:  Lv, Tianxu;  Hong, Xiaoyan;  Liu, Yuan;  Miao, Kai;  Sun, Heng; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:4 TC[Scopus]:4  IF:4.9/5.5 | Submit date:2024/02/22
Breast Cancer  Deep Learning  Interpretable Imaging Phenotypes  Intra-tumor Heterogeneity  Tumor Microenvironment  
Mapping the Plasticity of Morphology, Molecular Properties and Function in Mouse Primary Microglia Journal article
Jiang, Xue, He, Hui, Mo, Li, Liu, Qin, Yang, Fan, Zhou, Ying, Li, Liangyuan, Su, Dapeng, Yi, Saini, Zhang, Jinqiang. Mapping the Plasticity of Morphology, Molecular Properties and Function in Mouse Primary Microglia[J]. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2022, 15, 811061.
Authors:  Jiang, Xue;  He, Hui;  Mo, Li;  Liu, Qin;  Yang, Fan; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:13 TC[Scopus]:14  IF:4.2/5.1 | Submit date:2022/02/21
Microglia  Morphology  Neurotoxicity  Phagocytosis  Phenotypes  Plasticity  
Hydroxyurea Facilitates Manifestation of Disease Relevant Phenotypes in Patients-Derived IPSCs-Based Modeling of Late-Onset Parkinson’s Disease Journal article
Yuan Tan, Minjing Ke, Zhijian Huang, Cheong-Meng Chong, Xiaotong Cen, Jia-Hong Lu, Xiaoli Yao, Dajiang Qin, Huanxing Su. Hydroxyurea Facilitates Manifestation of Disease Relevant Phenotypes in Patients-Derived IPSCs-Based Modeling of Late-Onset Parkinson’s Disease[J]. Aging and Disease, 2019, 10(5), 1037-1048.
Authors:  Yuan Tan;  Minjing Ke;  Zhijian Huang;  Cheong-Meng Chong;  Xiaotong Cen; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:8 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:7.0/7.1 | Submit date:2020/04/08
Disease Phenotypes  Er Stress  Induced Pluripotentstem Cells  Parkinson’s Disease  Hydroxyurea