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Tyrosinase-Woven Melanin Nets for Melanoma Therapy through Targeted Mitochondrial Tethering and Enhanced Photothermal Treatment Journal article
Tang, Mian, Duan, Tianshun, Lu, Yunfeng, Liu, Jinwei, Gao, Cheng, Wang, Ruibing. Tyrosinase-Woven Melanin Nets for Melanoma Therapy through Targeted Mitochondrial Tethering and Enhanced Photothermal Treatment[J]. Advanced Materials, 2024(2411906), 1-16.
Authors:  Tang, Mian;  Duan, Tianshun;  Lu, Yunfeng;  Liu, Jinwei;  Gao, Cheng; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:27.4/30.2 | Submit date:2024/10/10
Mitochondrial  Non-drug  Photothermal Treatment  Tyrosinase