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Optoelectronic modulation of undoped NiOxfilms for inverted perovskite solar cells via intrinsic defect regulation Journal article
Feng, Menglei, Wang, Ming, Zhou, Hongpeng, Li, Wei, Xie, Xiuhua, Wang, Shuangpeng, Zang, Zhigang, Chen, Shijian. Optoelectronic modulation of undoped NiOxfilms for inverted perovskite solar cells via intrinsic defect regulation[J]. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3(10), 9732-9741.
Authors:  Feng, Menglei;  Wang, Ming;  Zhou, Hongpeng;  Li, Wei;  Xie, Xiuhua; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:22 TC[Scopus]:24  IF:5.4/5.9 | Submit date:2021/09/17
Hole Transport Layer  Niox  Oxygen Partial Pressure  Perovskite Solar Cell  Postannealing Treatment