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The impact of the provincial reimbursement scheme on the use of targeted anticancer medications in Zhejiang, China: a controlled interrupted time-series analysis Journal article
Huang, Cong, Ung, Carolina Oi Lam, Wushouer, Haishaerjiang, Xu, Ziyue, Zhang, Yichen, Guan, Xiaodong, Shi, Luwen. The impact of the provincial reimbursement scheme on the use of targeted anticancer medications in Zhejiang, China: a controlled interrupted time-series analysis[J]. Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021, 30(7), 590-597.
Authors:  Huang, Cong;  Ung, Carolina Oi Lam;  Wushouer, Haishaerjiang;  Xu, Ziyue;  Zhang, Yichen; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Interrupted Time-series  Provincial Reimbursement  Targeted Anticancer Medications