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Network pharmacology: a bright guiding light on the way to explore the personalized precise medication of traditional Chinese medicine Journal article
Li, Ling, Yang, Lele, Yang, Liuqing, He, Chunrong, He, Yuxin, Chen, Liping, Dong, Qin, Zhang, Huaiying, Chen, Shiyun, Li, Peng. Network pharmacology: a bright guiding light on the way to explore the personalized precise medication of traditional Chinese medicine[J]. Chinese Medicine (United Kingdom), 2023, 18, 146.
Authors:  Li, Ling;  Yang, Lele;  Yang, Liuqing;  He, Chunrong;  He, Yuxin; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:34 TC[Scopus]:40  IF:5.3/5.5 | Submit date:2024/01/02
Application  Network Pharmacology  Precision Treatment  Research Strategy  Traditional Chinese Medicine  
The Unpopularity of Sachet Marketing in China: Perspectives from Managers and Consumers Conference paper
Chanthika Pornpitakpan, Qiuling Li, Joseph A Sy-Changco, Junsong Chen. The Unpopularity of Sachet Marketing in China: Perspectives from Managers and Consumers[C], 2015, 7-8.
Authors:  Chanthika Pornpitakpan;  Qiuling Li;  Joseph A Sy-Changco;  Junsong Chen
Favorite |  | Submit date:2019/12/03
China  Marketing Strategy  Sachet Marketing  Package Size  Multinational Companies  Distribution Systems  Empirical Research  Consumer Goods  
Filling the gap between traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, are we heading to the right direction? Journal article
XiupingChen, Lixia Pei, Jinjian Lu. Filling the gap between traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, are we heading to the right direction?[J]. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2013, 21(3), 272-275.
Authors:  XiupingChen;  Lixia Pei;  Jinjian Lu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:16  IF:3.3/3.3 | Submit date:2019/01/07
Traditional Chinese Medicine  Intelligent Mixture  Modern Medicine  Gap  Research Strategy