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Study of MgZnO semiconductor materials using photoluminescence and resonance Raman spectroscopy Journal article
Wang Y.-C., Wu T.-Z., Zhang Q.-L., Chen M.-M., Su L.-X., Tang Z.-K.. Study of MgZnO semiconductor materials using photoluminescence and resonance Raman spectroscopy[J]. Faguang Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2013, 34(9), 1149-1154.
Authors:  Wang Y.-C.;  Wu T.-Z.;  Zhang Q.-L.;  Chen M.-M.;  Su L.-X.; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:1 | Submit date:2019/04/08
Mgxzn1-xo  P-mbe  Photoluminescence  Resonance Raman Spectroscopy  X-ray Diffraction