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Comparison of design parameters for packet optimized basn routing schemes in terms of bio-medical sensor nodes Conference paper
Aadil, Muhammad, Ahmed, Sheeraz, Ullah, Fasee, Nawaz, Asif, Junaid, M., Qureshi, Mehtab Ejaz. Comparison of design parameters for packet optimized basn routing schemes in terms of bio-medical sensor nodes[C], 2020.
Authors:  Aadil, Muhammad;  Ahmed, Sheeraz;  Ullah, Fasee;  Nawaz, Asif;  Junaid, M.; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2021/12/06
Biosensors  Packet Delay  Packet Optimization  Routing Schemes  
Designing piecewise QoS routing protocol in large-scale MANETs Conference paper
Wang G., Mo Q., Guo M., Jia W.. Designing piecewise QoS routing protocol in large-scale MANETs[C], 2007, 1-6.
Authors:  Wang G.;  Mo Q.;  Guo M.;  Jia W.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:10 TC[Scopus]:3 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Bandwidth  Delay  Manets  Piecewise Routing  Qos Routing  
Optimal multicast tree routing for cluster computing in hypercube interconnection networks Journal article
Weijia JIA, Bo HAN, Pui On AU, Yong HE, Wanlei ZHOU. Optimal multicast tree routing for cluster computing in hypercube interconnection networks[J]. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 2004, E87-D(7), 1625-1632.
Authors:  Weijia JIA;  Bo HAN;  Pui On AU;  Yong HE;  Wanlei ZHOU
Favorite | TC[WOS]:3 TC[Scopus]:3  IF:0.6/0.6 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Cluster Computing  Delay  Hypercube  Multicast Routing  Resource Utilization  Routing Delay  Shared Tree  Source Tree