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Growth mindset mediates the relationship between computational thinking and programming self-efficacy Journal article
Wang, Chenyue, Lu, Chang, Chen, Fu, Liu, Xueliang, Zhao, Qin, Wang, Shuai. Growth mindset mediates the relationship between computational thinking and programming self-efficacy[J]. Education and Information Technologies, 2024.
Authors:  Wang, Chenyue;  Lu, Chang;  Chen, Fu;  Liu, Xueliang;  Zhao, Qin; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:0 TC[Scopus]:0  IF:4.8/4.8 | Submit date:2024/05/16
Computational Thinking  Growth Mindset  Programming Self-efficacy  Secondary Education  
中小學課綱之國際經驗 Book
Hwang, J. J., Shieh, J. J.. 中小學課綱之國際經驗[M]. 臺北市:五南, 2020.
Authors:  Hwang, J. J.;  Shieh, J. J.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/10
curriculum guidelines  curriculum development  primary and secondary education  
Explaining Chinese university students’ continuance learning intention in the MOOC setting: A modified expectation confirmation model perspective Journal article
Dai, Hai Min, Teo, Timothy, Rappa, Natasha Anne, Huang, Fang. Explaining Chinese university students’ continuance learning intention in the MOOC setting: A modified expectation confirmation model perspective[J]. Computers and Education, 2020, 150, 103850.
Authors:  Dai, Hai Min;  Teo, Timothy;  Rappa, Natasha Anne;  Huang, Fang
Favorite | TC[WOS]:167 TC[Scopus]:197  IF:8.9/11.6 | Submit date:2021/12/06
Distance Education And Online Learning  Pedagogical Issues  Post-secondary Education  
Isolation and distinctiveness in the design of e-learning systems influence user preferences Journal article
Al-Samarraie, Hosam, Selim, Hassan, Teo, Timothy, Zaqout, Fahed. Isolation and distinctiveness in the design of e-learning systems influence user preferences[J]. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS, 2017, 25(4), 452-466.
Authors:  Al-Samarraie, Hosam;  Selim, Hassan;  Teo, Timothy;  Zaqout, Fahed
Favorite | TC[WOS]:48 TC[Scopus]:30  IF:3.7/4.5 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Human-computer Interface  Interactive Learning Environments  Post-secondary Education  Pedagogical Issues  
A study of the impact of the first phase of the curriculum reform on student learning in Hong Kong Journal article
Yuen,Timothy W.W., Cheung,Alan C.K., Wong,Ping Man. A study of the impact of the first phase of the curriculum reform on student learning in Hong Kong[J]. International Journal of Educational Management, 2012, 26(7), 710-728.
Authors:  Yuen,Timothy W.W.;  Cheung,Alan C.K.;  Wong,Ping Man
Favorite | TC[WOS]:18 TC[Scopus]:18  IF:2.4/2.3 | Submit date:2020/11/11
Curriculum Reform  Education Reform  Educational Policy  Government Policy  Hong Kong  Impact Of Education Reform  Primary Schools  Secondary Schools  Student Learning