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Smashing Husserl’s Dark Mirror: Rectifying the Inconsistent Theory of Impossible Meaning and Signitive Substance from the Logical Investigations Journal article
Byrne, Thomas. Smashing Husserl’s Dark Mirror: Rectifying the Inconsistent Theory of Impossible Meaning and Signitive Substance from the Logical Investigations[J]. Axiomathes, 2021, 31(2), 127-144.
Authors:  Byrne, Thomas
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:0.5/0.4 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Empty Intentions  Husserl  Ideas i  Logical Investigations  Meaning  Phenomenology  Pure Logical Grammar  Representation  Signitive Intentions  
Husserl’s Theory of Signitive and Empty Intentions in Logical Investigations and its Revisions: Meaning Intentions and Perceptions Journal article
Byrne, Thomas. Husserl’s Theory of Signitive and Empty Intentions in Logical Investigations and its Revisions: Meaning Intentions and Perceptions[J]. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 2021, 52(1), 16-32.
Authors:  Byrne, Thomas
Favorite | TC[WOS]:19 TC[Scopus]:20  IF:1.1/0.8 | Submit date:2022/05/13
Husserl  Logical Investigations  Signitive Intentions  Empty Intentions  Perceptual Occlusion