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A rapid staged protocol for efficient recovery of microplastics from soil and sediment matrices based on hydrophobic separation Journal article
Yuan, Mingzhe, Zhang, Yuning, Guo, Weihao, Chen, Shan, Qiu, Ye, Zhang, Ping. A rapid staged protocol for efficient recovery of microplastics from soil and sediment matrices based on hydrophobic separation[J]. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 182, 113978.
Authors:  Yuan, Mingzhe;  Zhang, Yuning;  Guo, Weihao;  Chen, Shan;  Qiu, Ye; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:5.3/6.1 | Submit date:2022/08/24
Effective Extraction  Fractional Separation  Hydrophobicity  Microplastic Extractor  Oil-in-naci  Soil And Sediment Matrices