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CRASH: Crash Recognition and Anticipation System Harnessing with Context-Aware and Temporal Focus Attentions Conference paper
Haicheng Liao, Haoyu Sun, Huanming Shen, Chengyue Wang, Kahou Tam, Chunlin Tian, Li Li, Chengzhong Xu, Zhenning Li. CRASH: Crash Recognition and Anticipation System Harnessing with Context-Aware and Temporal Focus Attentions[C], New York, NY, USA:Association for Computing Machinery, Inc, 2024, 11041-11050.
Authors:  Haicheng Liao;  Haoyu Sun;  Huanming Shen;  Chengyue Wang;  Kahou Tam; et al.
Favorite | TC[Scopus]:0 | Submit date:2024/09/16
Autonomous Driving  Dynamic Visual Fusion  Fast Fourier Transform  Spatial-temporal Analysis  Traffic Accident Anticipation  
Detection of Deepfake Videos Using Long-Distance Attention Journal article
Wei Lu, Lingyi Liu, Bolin Zhang, Junwei Luo, Xianfeng Zhao, Yicong Zhou, Jiwu Huang. Detection of Deepfake Videos Using Long-Distance Attention[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023, 35(7), 9366-9379.
Authors:  Wei Lu;  Lingyi Liu;  Bolin Zhang;  Junwei Luo;  Xianfeng Zhao; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:5 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:10.2/10.4 | Submit date:2023/08/03
Attention Mechanism  Deepfake Detection  Deepfakes  Face Manipulation  Faces  Forgery  Semantics  Spatial And Temporal Artifacts  Task Analysis  Time-domain Analysis  Transformers  
Measuring the Diffusion of Social Movements: Toward An Inter-Movement Approach Journal article
Zhang, H., Cai, T.. Measuring the Diffusion of Social Movements: Toward An Inter-Movement Approach[J]. Research in Social Movements, Conflicts, and Change.
Authors:  Zhang, H.;  Cai, T.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/06/22
Diffusion Studies  Social Movements  Spatial-Temporal Analysis