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A quantitative method for polysaccharides based on endo-enzymatic released specific oligosaccharides: A case of Lentinus edodes Journal article
Deng, Yong, Chen, Ling Xiao, Zhu, Bao Jie, Zhao, Jing, Li, Shao Ping. A quantitative method for polysaccharides based on endo-enzymatic released specific oligosaccharides: A case of Lentinus edodes[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 205, 15-22.
Authors:  Deng, Yong;  Chen, Ling Xiao;  Zhu, Bao Jie;  Zhao, Jing;  Li, Shao Ping
Favorite | TC[WOS]:14 TC[Scopus]:19  IF:7.7/7.7 | Submit date:2022/05/04
Polysaccharide  Lentinus Edodes  Qualitative  Quantitative  Specific Oligosaccharide  Uplc-flr-ms