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Reduced-order observer-based dynamic event-triggered adaptive NN control for stochastic nonlinear systems subject to unknown input saturation Journal article
Wang, Lijie, Chen, C. L.Philip. Reduced-order observer-based dynamic event-triggered adaptive NN control for stochastic nonlinear systems subject to unknown input saturation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021, 32(4), 1678-1690.
Authors:  Wang, Lijie;  Chen, C. L.Philip
Favorite | TC[WOS]:160 TC[Scopus]:143  IF:10.2/10.4 | Submit date:2021/12/07
Dynamic Event-triggered Mechanism (Dem)  Improved Neural Network (Nn)  Input Saturation  Reduced-order Observer  Stochastic Nonlinear Systems  
A new type of change-detection scheme based on the window-limited weighted likelihood ratios Journal article
Fangyi He, Tiantian Mao, Taizhong Hu, Lianjie Shu. A new type of change-detection scheme based on the window-limited weighted likelihood ratios[J]. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 2018, 94, 149-163.
Authors:  Fangyi He;  Tiantian Mao;  Taizhong Hu;  Lianjie Shu
Favorite | TC[WOS]:2 TC[Scopus]:2  IF:7.5/7.6 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Statistical Distance  Statistical Process Control  Signal Detection  Generalized Likelihood Ratio  Weighted Likelihood Ratio  Stochastic Order