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Enhanced performance of CsPbBr3 perovskite solar cells by reducing the conduction band offsets via a Sr-modified TiO2 layer Journal article
Xiaobing Cao, Guoshuai Zhang, Yifan Cai, Long Jiang, Yan Chen, Xin He, Qingguang Zeng, Yi Jia, Guichuan Xing, Jinquan Wei. Enhanced performance of CsPbBr3 perovskite solar cells by reducing the conduction band offsets via a Sr-modified TiO2 layer[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 529, 147119.
Authors:  Xiaobing Cao;  Guoshuai Zhang;  Yifan Cai;  Long Jiang;  Yan Chen; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:26 TC[Scopus]:27  IF:6.3/5.9 | Submit date:2021/03/11
Conduction Band Offset  Electron Transportation Layer  Photovoltaic Performance  Solar Cells  Strontium Ions