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Feasibility study of shape memory alloy ring spring systems for self-centring seismic resisting devices Journal article
Fang C., Yam M.C.H., Lam A.C.C., Zhang Y.. Feasibility study of shape memory alloy ring spring systems for self-centring seismic resisting devices[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 24(7).
Authors:  Fang C.;  Yam M.C.H.;  Lam A.C.C.;  Zhang Y.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:114 TC[Scopus]:125 | Submit date:2019/02/14
Beam-to-column Connection  Damper  Numerical Study  Ring spRing  Self-centring  Shape Memory Alloy (Sma)  Superelastic  
Feasibility study of shape memory alloy ring spring systems for self-centring seismic resisting devices Journal article
Fang, C, Yam, C. H., Lam, C. C., Zhang, Y. Y.. Feasibility study of shape memory alloy ring spring systems for self-centring seismic resisting devices[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2015, 1-19.
Authors:  Fang, C;  Yam, C. H.;  Lam, C. C.;  Zhang, Y. Y.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:114 TC[Scopus]:125 | Submit date:2022/08/06
Shape Memory Alloy (Sma)  Superelastic  Ring spRing  Self-centring  Numerical Study  Beam-to-column Connection  Damper