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Intravital lipid droplet labeling and imaging reveals the phenotypes and functions of individual macrophages in vivo Journal article
Li, Yue, Du, Yuwei, Xu, Zhengqing, He, Yuan, Yao, Ran, Jiang, Huiran, Ju, Wen, Qiao, Jianlin, Xu, Kailin, Liu, Tzu Ming, Zeng, Lingyu. Intravital lipid droplet labeling and imaging reveals the phenotypes and functions of individual macrophages in vivo[J]. Journal of lipid research, 2022, 63(5), 100207.
Authors:  Li, Yue;  Du, Yuwei;  Xu, Zhengqing;  He, Yuan;  Yao, Ran; et al.
Adobe PDF | Favorite | TC[WOS]:6 TC[Scopus]:8  IF:5.0/5.7 | Submit date:2022/08/02
Biomarker  Bone Marrow  Fatty Acid Analog  Inflammation  In vivo Imaging  Lipid Droplet  Lipid Trafficking  Macrophage  Nanoparticle Delivery  Systemic Inflammation  
Fish oil alleviates LPS-induced inflammation and depressive-like behavior in mice via restoration of metabolic impairments Journal article
Peng,Yu, Shi,Zhe, Kumaran Satyanarayanan,Senthil, He,Chengwei, Li,Peng, Wan,Jian Bo, Su,Huanxing. Fish oil alleviates LPS-induced inflammation and depressive-like behavior in mice via restoration of metabolic impairments[J]. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2020, 90, 393-402.
Authors:  Peng,Yu;  Shi,Zhe;  Kumaran Satyanarayanan,Senthil;  He,Chengwei;  Li,Peng; et al.
Favorite | TC[WOS]:11 TC[Scopus]:11  IF:8.8/9.8 | Submit date:2021/03/01
Depression  Metabolomics  Molecular Pathways  Neuroinflammation  Systemic Inflammation