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An area-efficient and tunable Bandwidth-Extension Technique for a Wideband CMOS Amplifier Handling 50+ Gb/s Signaling Journal article
Yong Chen, Pui-In Mak, Haohong Yu, Chirn Chye Boon, Rui P. Martins. An area-efficient and tunable Bandwidth-Extension Technique for a Wideband CMOS Amplifier Handling 50+ Gb/s Signaling[J]. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2017, 65(12), 4960-4975.
Authors:  Yong Chen;  Pui-In Mak;  Haohong Yu;  Chirn Chye Boon;  Rui P. Martins
Favorite | TC[WOS]:32 TC[Scopus]:27  IF:4.1/4.2 | Submit date:2019/02/11
Ac charActeristic  Bandwidth (Bw)  Bridged-shunt Peaking  Cmos  Data-dependent Jitter (Ddj)  Figure Of Merit (Fom)  Grounded Active Inductor (Gai)  Group Delay Ripple (Gdr)  Intersymbol Interference (Isi)  Shunt Peaking  T-coil  Wideband Amplifier