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Effects of task complexity on the oral production of Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language Journal article
Santos, Sara. Effects of task complexity on the oral production of Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language[J]. JESLA - Journal of the European Second Language Association, 2018, 49-62.
Authors:  Santos, Sara
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/26
Task Complexity  Oral Performance  Pfl Learners  
Leveraging of Dynamic export capabilities for competitive advantage and performance consequences: Evidence from China Journal article
Kalanit Efrat, Paul Hughes, Ekaterina Nemkova, Anne L. Souchon, Joseph Sy-Changco. Leveraging of Dynamic export capabilities for competitive advantage and performance consequences: Evidence from China[J]. Journal of Business Research, 2018, 84, 114-124.
Authors:  Kalanit Efrat;  Paul Hughes;  Ekaterina Nemkova;  Anne L. Souchon;  Joseph Sy-Changco
Favorite | TC[WOS]:56 TC[Scopus]:71  IF:10.5/11.2 | Submit date:2019/08/02
Adaptability, Innovativeness  Competitive Advantage  Performance  Unpredictability, Task Flexibility  
Effects of task complexity on the oral production of Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language Journal article
Santos, Sara. Effects of task complexity on the oral production of Chinese learners of Portuguese as a foreign language[J]. Journal of the European Second Language Association, 2018, 2(1), 49-62.
Authors:  Santos, Sara
Favorite |  | Submit date:2020/11/14
Task Complexity  Oral Performance  Pfl Learners  
Work engagement and job performance: the moderating role of perceived organizational support Journal article
Guo Yongxing, Du Hongfei, Xie Baoguo, Mo Lei. Work engagement and job performance: the moderating role of perceived organizational support[J]. ANALES DE PSICOLOGIA, 2017, 33(3), 708-713.
Authors:  Guo Yongxing;  Du Hongfei;  Xie Baoguo;  Mo Lei
Favorite | TC[WOS]:43 TC[Scopus]:63  IF:1.4/1.9 | Submit date:2018/10/30
Work Engagement  Job Performance  Perceived Organizational Support  Objective Task Performance  
Does organizational identification always improve task performance? Evidence from two field studies Conference paper
Liu, Y., Loi, R.. Does organizational identification always improve task performance? Evidence from two field studies[C], 2016.
Authors:  Liu, Y.;  Loi, R.
Favorite |  | Submit date:2022/08/27
Organizational identification  Task performance  Social identity theory  Curvilinear relationship